
Our toddler room provides a rich environment for children between the ages of fifteen months and twenty-four months. Toddlers are extremely curious and active learners, which our teachers acknowledge and provide an adventurous environment for this age group. The playroom is specifically arranged to promote full exploration, language growth, and social skills. Teachers act as aids to guide free-play time while the child learns to interact with peers, they assist in modeling language skills and helping children express themselves, as well as, they provide a challenge to keep children engaged in activities throughout the day. Our teachers and aids foster all development by enriching their environment with activities and materials needed to explore, learn, and grow in an appropriate developmental way for each owlet.
The brain has so much plasticity, early introduction of the alphabet, colors, shapes, and numbers helps toddlers create new pathways and a strong cognitive foundation. Teachersfoster the language through storytelling and puppetry. Toddlers also transition from the infant room with a strong knowledge of the American Sign Language.
Art is an amazing way for our toddlers to explore and express their individuality and imaginations. Children are encouraged to explore different areas of art, tools, and techniques in order to promote creativity, develop fine motor skills, and begin to understand themselves and the world around them.
Our curious toddlers explore the world in a musical approach at our school. Children enjoy playing instruments, moving rhythmically, and singing joyously. Studies show that language emerges earlier in children who participate in music classes. Our active learners explore their environment in a joyous approach.
Toddlers are fed according to our classroom schedule. Whole Foods Market creates nutritious and appetizing breakfasts every morning and prepare two organic snack throughout the day, as well as, well-balanced lunches.
Daily Schedule
7:00-9:00 AM Drop-Off
8:00-8:30 AM Breakfast
8:30-9:00 AM Creative Play
9:00-9:30 AM Morning Meeting
9:30-10:30 AM Work Stations
10:30-11:00 AM AM Snack
11:00-12:00 PM Indoor/Outdoor Time
12:00-12:30 PM Lunch
12:30-1:00 PM Story Time / Meditation
1:00-3:30 PM Nap Time
3:30-4:00 PM PM Snack
4:00-5:00 PM Table Activities and Pick-up
*This schedule reflects our typical day in the toddler classroom
The Little Nest is an unique and creative daycare that will offer children an opportunity to construct imagination, develop self-expression, gain knowledge, and engage in meaningful relationships with peers and caregivers during designated periods of play and exploration. It is my personal belief, that learning and growing in an environment that stimulates, focuses on play, engages in earth friendly practices, and promotes healthy living, can not only expand, but enhance the lives of our children, as well as their families, in a way unlike any other program…Read more
Our lead and assistant caregivers at Little Nest Care meet the following requirements, which well exceed the Illinois DCFS licensing standard and is definitely one reason which makes Little Nest Care stand out from any other program. Read more
Little Nest Care is an eco-friendly center that focuses an immense amount on earthly consciousness to influence a greater world for our Owlets and Owls. Each child is assisted and encouraged to practice earth friendly approaches at the Little Nest and at home. Our caregivers demonstrate these practices to help aid our children in making their own GREEN choices. Little Nest Care gives our Owlets and Owls the opportunity to learn and grow efficiently, which encourages their foundations to use all the potential that is in their bright future. Read more